Are you wondering what materials you can use in your speech therapy sessions throughout winter? Winter is such a fun season to use in your themed therapy sessions, so keep reading if you need some engaging materials!

What winter materials can you use in your speech therapy sessions?
There are a few materials that I created that you could use in your sessions, along with a few free ones, listed below!
- Coloring Pictures
- Books
- Homework
- Puzzles
- Lesson Plan
Coloring Pictures
A fun and free option is to print out coloring pictures online of different winter themed objects, like a snowman or snow globe. You can find free printable coloring pages online by searching Google or looking on the Crayola website. You can have the children hit their targets before getting a few crayons at a time during their session.
If you have any winter themed books, then you can use them during your speech therapy sessions. You can also find a lot of book readings online on YouTube. After reading the books, you can work on a few different goals including sequencing, WH- questions, writing, or even articulation.
If you need a list of different winter themed books, you can look into The Mitten, Winter Lullaby, or Bear Snores On.
I try to send homework home with my kids when I can to help with carryover. I created some Winter Themed Articulation Homework and also Winter Themed Language Homework that allow for 4 days of practice outside of the speech room. If you have both language and articulation kids, then you can look into the Winter Speech and Language Homework Bundle.
My kids love to use puzzles in their sessions. I would let them choose the puzzle they wanted to use and then have them hit their target words before placing a piece onto the board. I created some puzzle boards for both articulation and language goals to make using puzzles in your sessions easier. You can also get the bundle that has both the language and articulation puzzle boards.
Lesson Plan
If you are looking for materials that include both language and articulation goals, with coloring activities, book companion activities, and also other materials including language scenes, then you should look into my Winter Lesson Plan.
The goals that are covered in this no prep and printable plan include:
- Book Companion Worksheets for The Mitten including: WH- Questions, Writing Activity, and Articulation Activity**
- Following 1 Step Directions
- Following 2 Step Directions
- Picture Scene
- Temporal Concepts: Before & After
- Temporal Concepts: Beginning, Middle, & End
- Descriptions
- Pronouns
- Synonyms & Antonyms
- Compare & Contrast
- Plurals Notecards
- Verbs Notecards
- What is it? Activity
- Snowflake Dot Articulation
- Mitten Dot Articulation
- Regular Plurals Winter Worksheets
- Irregular Plurals Winter Worksheets
- Regular Past Tense Verbs Winter Worksheets
- Irregular Past Tense Verbs Winter Worksheets
- Present Progressive Verbs Winter Worksheets
- Antonyms Winter Worksheets
- Synonyms Winter Worksheets
- Categories Winter Worksheets
- Descriptions Winter Worksheets
- Blank “Create Your Own” Language Worksheets
- Articulation Worksheets that target ALL SOUNDS: B, D, F, G, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, V, Z, SH, CH, TH, H, W, Y, L-Blends, S-Blends, and R-Blends
- Blank Worksheets for you to include your own words/sounds like CV, VC, and CVC

I hope that you can incorporate some of these materials into your sessions this winter! Let me know if you use any of these materials in the comments below!