Are you wondering what activities you can do in your speech therapy sessions around Valentine’s Day? Many teachers celebrate Valentine’s Day in their classrooms, and I always love to incorporate it into my speech therapy sessions as well. Keep reading to see what speech and language activities you can incorporate into your sessions this week that are based all on Valentine’s Day.

What activities can you do for Valentine’s Day?
There are many different activities that you can do in your sessions. Below are some of my favorites and ones that my kids love as well.
- Coloring Activities
- Books
- Valentine’s Day Card Activity
BINGO is a fun game that you can play in group sessions, especially around Valentine’s Day when it is a themed version. You can work on describing or inferencing with the call cards by having each child describe the card or provide a clue as to what the card is. You can even use it to work on articulation if the name of the card has the child’s target sound in it.
Coloring activities are always a hit in my sessions, especially during Valentine’s Day. They can color a picture to give to their parents for Valentine’s Day and even make it into a card if they want! In order for the child to get the color they want they have to hit their target first. This activity can also be used to work on following directions or turn taking. You can do a quick Google search for “Valentine’s Day Coloring Pictures” to find some that are free.
There are many kids that love to read and listen to books in their therapy sessions. There are so many different goals that you can target with them, too. You can work on inferencing, WH- questions, sequencing, articulation, and even fluency. Some books based on Valentine’s Day include The Biggest Valentine Ever, Happy Valentine’s Day, Mouse!, and Pete the Cat: Valentine’s Day Is Cool. If you don’t own any of these books but want to use them, you can pull most of the readings up on YouTube!
A fun activity that will always be a winner around this time is to do a Valentine’s Day card activity. You can use this activity to work on following directions or any that requires them to hit their target goal before getting the supplies that they need to work on the craft. You can get some for free online by searching “Valentine’s Day Card Template”.
Do you need some easily accessible Valentine’s Day materials?
If you are wanting to do any of the activities that were mentioned above but don’t have the time to work on creating the materials, then you need to check out my Valentine’s Day Lesson Plan Bundle. It includes over 100 pages of both language and articulation materials that can be used the entire week in your different sessions.

Included in this huge bundle is:
- Book Companion Worksheets for The Biggest Valentine Ever
- WH- Questions & Writing Prompt
- Picture Scene with WH- Questions and 1 and 2 Step Directions
- Coloring Scenes for Following 1 Step Directions
- Valentine’s Day Card Activity
- Temporal Concepts: Before & After
- Categories
- Descriptions
- Heart Cookie Dot Articulation Activity
- Strawberry Dot Articulation Activity
- Valentine’s Day Treats Coloring Articulation Activity
- Language Worksheets for:
- Irregular/Regular Past Tense Verbs
- Present Progressive Verbs
- Irregular/Regular Plurals
- Antonyms & Synonyms
- Descriptions & Categories
- Articulation Worksheets for All Speech Sounds
- Blank Create Your Own Worksheets
- Valentine’s Day Banner for Decoration
- Resource Guide with Additional Activities and Themed Videos/Songs
Let me know down below in the comments if you use this Valentine’s Day lesson plan in your session and what activity your kids liked the most!
Have a great Valentine’s Day!