Are you trying to find some speech and language activities that you can do for an ocean themed in your therapy sessions? I’ve put together a list of some of my favorite activities to do for an ocean theme. Keep reading to see what speech and language activities you can incorporate during this theme!

What speech and language activities can you do for an ocean theme?
There are many different activities that you can do in your sessions. Here are some of my favorites to incorporate based around an ocean theme:
- Coloring Activities
- Books
- Vocabulary Cards
- Sensory Bin
Sometimes you just need a day where you print out some coloring pages and pull the crayons out and color. Many of my kids love coloring in their sessions, too, and I love incorporating coloring worksheets because you can target many different goals this way! You can have each kid hit their targets before giving them the crayons that they want to color some of the picture. You can also use coloring pages to work on following directions or turn taking. If you need some free coloring pictures, you can search on Google for “Ocean Coloring Pictures” or look on Crayola’s website for some.
I always love a good book, especially since I can use them in mixed group sessions. You can target articulation, WH- questions, inferencing, and more. Some of my favorite ocean themed books include The Snail and the Whale, A House for Hermit Crab, and Rainbow Fish. You don’t even have to own these books either because you can pull most of them up on YouTube!
Vocabulary cards are fun to incorporate into your sessions. You can use them to play a scavenger hunt game or even an iSpy game. You can use them to work on describing, vocabulary, WH- questions, articulation, following directions, and more! While most of the language goals are self-explanatory, for articulation, all you need to do is write numbers on the back of the vocabulary cards and then those number correspond to how many times a word should be said when the card is found. You can easily create your own vocabulary cards by printing off pictures online of different ocean animals.
Another fun activity that you can do for an ocean theme is to create a sensory bin. You can buy the bins online or buy them at a discounted price at a Dollar Store near you. You can place blue kinetic sand in the bin along with some toy ocean animals and shells and then throw in any other items you need to target during your session whether it is vocabulary cards or articulation cards.
Do you need some easily accessible ocean themed materials?
If you are wanting to do any of the activities that were mentioned above but don’t have the time to work on creating the materials, then you need to check out my Ocean Speech Therapy Lesson Plan. It includes over 100 pages of both language and articulation materials that can be used the entire week in your different sessions.
Included in this huge bundle is:
- Book Companion Worksheets for The Snail and the Whale
- WH- Questions & Writing Prompt
- Picture Scene with WH- Questions and 1 and 2 Step Directions
- Coloring Scenes for Following 1 and 2 Step Directions
- Vocabulary Cards
- Notecards for “How many?” or “Which one has more?”
- Plurals Worksheet
- Multi-Step Directions Worksheet
- Categories Worksheet
- Descriptions Worksheet
- Rhyming Worksheet
- Synonyms & Antonyms Worksheet
- What am I? Activity
- Starfish Dot Articulation Activity
- Language Worksheets for:
- Irregular/Regular Past Tense Verbs
- Present Progressive Verbs
- Irregular/Regular Plurals
- Antonyms & Synonyms
- Descriptions & Categories
- Articulation Worksheets for All Speech Sounds
- Blank Create Your Own Worksheets
Let me know in the comments down below if you use any of these ideas or this lesson plan in your sessions!