Do you need ideas on what themes you can do in February during your speech therapy sessions? Using themes in speech therapy has always been a favorite of mine because it allows the kids to stay motivated and engaged during each session.
I’ve compiled a list of my favorite February themes for your speech therapy sessions along with a few books and activities that you can do for each one. I hope that this gives you some ideas on what you can do in your sessions this month!

What themes can you do in February in your speech therapy sessions?
February is one of my favorite months because of Valentine’s Day and all the other themes that can go with it. My favorites include:
- Valentine’s Day
- Candy
- Groundhog Day
- Cookies
- President’s Day
Valentine’s Day Theme
I’m sure the theme that comes to mind when you think of February is Valentine’s Day! My children always love incorporating this theme into their therapy sessions. The best activity to do during this time is to create a Valentine’s Day card for a friend or family member. You can work on following directions or having them hit their target before getting the supplies they need.
Some of my favorite books to incorporate include The Biggest Valentine Ever and Happy Valentine’s Day, Mouse!
If you are wanting a lesson plan that is no prep and includes the activity and book companion activities for one of the books, you can check out my Valentine’s Day Lesson Plan.
Groundhog Day Theme
There are many teachers that celebrate Groundhog Day in their classes, and I like to continue the celebrations in my therapy sessions. A fun activity for this theme is to work on descriptions of the weather for spring versus winter or even do a categorization activity of different items you need for those seasons. You can easily find pictures online to either print out or pull up during your sessions for a free and simple activity.
If you need some book ideas, I recommend The Night Before Groundhog Day or Groundhog’s Day Off.
You can also get these activities along with book companion worksheets for The Night Before Groundhog Day in my weekly lesson plan based all around Groundhog Day.
Cookies or Candy Theme
When I think of February, of course I think of Valentine’s Day, which leads me to think of what goes along with that day – it’s filled with candy and cookies! These are two separate themes that you can incorporate this month. You can create a fun matching game with different types of candy and cookies or do a fun scavenger hunt.
Some of my favorite cookie themed books include May I Please Have a Cookie? and If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. If you need any candy themed books you can look into Curious George Goes to a Chocolate Factory and Bad Kitty Does Not Like Candy.
You can also check out my Candy Lesson Plan and Cookie Lesson Plan if you need some no-prep activities that are ready to go.
President’s Day Theme
With Presidents’ Day happening the 3rd Monday in the February, this is a great theme to incorporate into your sessions. A fun activity to complete would be to print off some pictures of different presidents to describe. Some books you can include are My Teacher for President, If I Were President, and Duck for President.
February Speech Therapy Lesson Plan Bundle
If you are wanting to do more than one of the themes above, then take a look at my February Speech Therapy Lesson Plan Bundle. There are 4 themes included with this bundle (Groundhog Day, Cookies, Candy, and Valentine’s Day), totaling to over 500 pages of materials.
Each one of these lesson plans includes book companion activities, a language scene, and activities for both language and articulation. For more information on my themed lesson plans, you can take a look at the guide here.
I hope that you have gotten some ideas on February themes and activities you can do during your speech therapy sessions. Let me know down below in the comments if you do any of these and which one was your favorite!
Happy Planning!