Are you searching for fun and engaging speech and language activities that you can do with a farm theme? Look no further! In this post, I’ve gathered some activities that will keep your students engaged during their farm themed therapy sessions.

What speech and language activities can you do during a farm themed week?
One of the best things about doing a farm theme is that it can be done year-round since it’s not a seasonal theme. I love to incorporate my Fisher-Price Toy Barn that I found at my local Goodwill into my therapy sessions during this theme. The other things that I like to use include:
- Coloring Activities
- Books
- Language Scenes
- Sensory Bins
- Vocabulary Cards
Coloring Activities
Coloring worksheets can be a fantastic way to target various speech and language goals. Before handing out the crayons, I like to have each child hit their targets and goals. I also love to use coloring pages to practice following directions and turn-taking. You can easily find free farm themed coloring pictures on Google or visit websites like Crayola for other printable options.
Books are such versatile resource for your therapy sessions. They offer opportunities to address articulation, WH-questions, inferencing, and more! Fortunately, there are plenty of farm themed books that will keep your kids engaged. Some of my favorites include “Big Red Barn” by Margaret Wise Brown, “Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type” by Doreen Cronin, and “Mrs. Wishy-Washy’s Farm” by Joy Cowley. If you don’t have access to physical copies, you can find many of these books on YouTube for shared reading experiences.
Language Scenes
Language scenes provide a wonderful way to work on descriptions, vocabulary, WH-questions, articulation, following directions, and more. This is a great theme to have your students describe the animals and activities they see or ask them questions related to the scene. You can create your own farm scenes by coloring a picture or search for printable options online. There are even some felt farm scenes on Amazon which are great to use in various ways!
Farm-Themed Sensory Bin
Creating a farm themed sensory bin can add an exciting tactile element to your therapy sessions. You can easily find bins online or at a local dollar store. For a farm sensory bin, fill the bin with green pom poms to represent grass and include other farm-related items such as toy animals and/or vegetables. You can even include vocabulary or articulation cards.
Do you need some no prep and printable farm themed materials?
If you don’t have the time to work on creating the materials I talked about above, then you need to check out my Farm Speech Therapy Lesson Plan. It includes over 100 pages of both language and articulation materials that can be used the entire week in your different sessions.
Included in this huge bundle is:
- Book Companion Worksheets for On the Farm including:
- WH- Questions and Writing Activity
- Vocabulary Cards
- Following 1 Step Directions
- Following 2 Step Directions
- Picture Scene
- Plurals
- Multi-Step Directions
- Descriptions
- Rhyming
- Categories
- Synonyms & Antonyms
- What am I? Activity
- Pig Dot Articulation
- Chick Dot Articulation
- Language Worksheets for:
- Irregular/Regular Past Tense Verbs
- Present Progressive Verbs
- Irregular/Regular Plurals
- Antonyms & Synonyms
- Descriptions & Categories
- Articulation Worksheets for All Speech Sounds
- Blank Create Your Own Worksheets
Let me know in the comments down below if you use any of these ideas or this lesson plan in your sessions!