Are you looking for some speech and language activities that you can do during dinosaur themed sessions in your speech room? Below are some of my favorite activities to do for a dinosaur theme. Keep reading to see what speech and language activities you can incorporate during a dinosaur themed week!

What speech and language activities can you do during a dinosaur themed week?
I have so many kids on my caseload that are obsessed with dinosaurs! I try to incorporate this theme throughout the year because it doesn’t really fall into any season and can be used year-round. Some of my favorite activities for a dinosaur theme include:
- Games
- Books
- Matching Activity
- Sensory Bin
I’m always down to play a game in my therapy sessions because my kids love them. I’m able to target all of their goals while still letting them have fun. Two of my favorite dinosaur themed games include Pop Up T-Rex and Dino Edition of Hungry Hungry Hippos. These are great to play because most of the kids I work with are familiar with Pop Up Pirate and Hungry Hungry Hippos so I don’t have to explain how the games are played. You can also check out the Go Fish Dinosaur Version for another game to play.
I will always turn to books when I need to target multiple goals in a session. These are great to use to work on articulation, language, fluency, and more. My favorite dinosaur themed books include How to Catch a Dinosaur, Digging up Dinosaurs, and Danny and the Dinosaur.
Matching Activity
If you want to create something yourself, you can create a matching game by printing off pictures of different dinosaurs online. Just make sure to print off two copies! I like to use matching games to target different goals. With articulation, I will write numbers on the cards and when a match is found, the child I am working with has to say their target word that many times. If you don’t have time to create a matching game yourself, you can always look into getting one on Amazon.
Sensory Bin
Another fun activity that you can do for a dinosaur theme is to create a sensory bin. For the bins, you can buy them online or at a discounted price at a Dollar Store near you. You can place brown kinetic sand in the bin along with some toy dinosaurs and bones and then throw in any other items you need to target during your session whether it is vocabulary cards or articulation cards. You can even mark the dinosaur bones with different numbers to have the kids practice their articulation words that many times when a bone is found.
Do you need some no prep and printable dinosaur themed materials?
If you don’t have the time to work on creating the materials I talked about above, then you need to check out my Dinosaur Speech Therapy Lesson Plan. It includes over 100 pages of both language and articulation materials that can be used the entire week in your different sessions.
Included in this huge bundle is:
- Book Companion Worksheets for Digging up Dinosaurs including:
- WH- Questions, Writing Activity, & Articulation Activity
- Following 1 Step Directions
- Following 2 Step Directions
- Picture Scene
- Plurals
- Multi-Step Directions
- Colors
- Descriptions
- Rhyming
- Synonyms & Antonyms
- What am I? Activity
- Dinosaur Dot Articulation
- Skull & Bones Dot Articulation
- Dinosaur Articulation Coloring Activity
- Language Worksheets for:
- Irregular/Regular Past Tense Verbs
- Present Progressive Verbs
- Irregular/Regular Plurals
- Antonyms & Synonyms
- Descriptions & Categories
- Articulation Worksheets for All Speech Sounds
- Blank Create Your Own Worksheets
Let me know in the comments down below if you use any of these ideas or this lesson plan in your sessions!